Hi, I'm Humaira

Full Stack Engineer, Data Analyst, and Data Scientist

About Me

I'm currently pursuing a degree in Computer Science at Queens College. I enjoy Software Development and Web Development, Machine Learning, Cloud Computing, Analyzing data, and Database Systems.

City University of New York, Queens College

- Bachelor's of Science in Computer Science

Expected Dec. 2022

Microsoft Certified

Azure Fundamentals

Issued Dec. 2021

AWS Certified

Cloud Practitioner

Issued Dec. 2021-Expires Dec. 2024

McMurry University

Introduction to Cybersecurity

Issued Aug. 2022


(Toggle project images to view/hide descriptions)
NYC Travel Website

NYC Tourism Website

NYC Tourism Website
Showcasing NYC attractions and booking features.
HTML | CSS |Javascript

Dream Diary

Dream Journal Website

Dream Journaling Website
Features local storage functionality using javascript to keep track of dreams on a daily basis.
HTML | CSS | Javascript

Random Number Game

Random Number Guessing Game

Online Game created with Brython
where a random number is generated and player is given 7 chances to guess the number
HTML | CSS | Brython

Group Project

Group Project Website

Clothing Store Website
Features transitional slideshow of ambassadors, dropdown menus, login and registration, and contact form
HTML | CSS | Javascript

P5 Animation

P5 Animation PSA Website

Public Service Announcement
For severe weather conditions HTML | CSS | JS | AJAX

Strawberry Milkshake

Strawberry Milkshake Recipe Website

Recipe Website
Features wireframe design to display recipe using images, headings, paragraphs, unordered, and ordered lists

Ajax Api

API, JSON, Ajax Practice Website

Features implementation of apis, fetching text files asynchronously, and Ajax requests for JSON data

Jquery Traversal

JQuery Traversal

JQuery Traversal Website
Features use of JQuery to manipulate CSS and implement several animations | HTML | CSS | JQuery

responsive web design

Responsive Web Design - Simple

Responsive Web Design implementation
Utilized media queries to allow the browser to resize elements on webpages based on window size

Responsive web form

CSS Image Sprites and Forms

Implemented responsive form using CSS
Utilzing media queries


Supervised ML and Ensemble Learning
view code

Supervised Machine Learning and Ensemble Learning
With Decision Tree Classifier and Random Forest Classifier on Breast Cancer Dataset
Python | Jupyter Notebook


Classical Machine Learning
view code

Logistic, Decision Tree, Random Forest Model Comparison
For Best Fitted Moded To Predict Wine Taste
on Wine Quality DatasetPython | Jupyter Notebook

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